Humble Beginnings of the Bodine EfS Project: Part II

Part II: Engaging classes

I had my biotechnology class research community assets around bodine. Here is what they found:

Problem/IssueCommunity AssetsProject/Activity(Bodine, School Community, Your Community)
RecyclingStudents at bodinets
Reduce Energy UsageBioEnergy Consult
Clean Air Council-Suite 300135 S. 19th StreetPhiladelphia, PA, 19103215-567-4004 215-567-5791
Universities and Colleges

Green SpacesDepartment of Environmental Protection- Green Roofs 
South East District- 484-250-2900 
Green roofs reduce temperature, purifies the air
Urban FarmingPhiladelphia Food Advisory Council
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Humble Beginnings of the Bodine EfS Project: Part I

Part I: And so it begins….

We began with a community asset walk around the Bodine neighborhood (4th and Girard). We discovered several organizations that would be ideal partners for our project. Friends of Orkney Park and City Planter Fit nicely with our food security initiative.

Friends of Orkney Park
Orkney Park, near Bodine HS

Although we were energized to start this project, we were met with strong resistance from our administration.

Moving forward/next steps at William Bodine HS

teacher reflections

Moving forward, we hope to have our student interns return to school in the fall energized from their experiences and collaborate with other interested students to create an afterschool forum.  The focus would enable students to share their experiences as well as motivate others to continue improving the community both at Bodine and in students’ own neighborhoods.   Read more