What’s Next For YouthBuild?

As we look towards the future, we are focused on deepening our partnerships with community organizations, and expanding our outreach and education.

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Thorns & Roses

Over the course of this year there were certainly prickly moments, challenges to overcome, but also opportunities for both staff and students learn and bloom. The goal of this reflection is to share what I viewed as one of the greatest “thorns” and “roses” that YouthBuild experienced in continuing to build what will hopefully be a sustainable focus on sustainability with the support of EFS this year. Read more

7 people stand in front of a small green wind turbine painted green. In the background there is a greenhouse in front of trees and a blue sky.

Earth Day @ Urban Creators!

Earth Day was a milestone moment in our ongoing collaboration with Urban Creators’ Life Do Grow Farm. We brought together students, staff, alumni, community partners, & funders. The day opened with introductions and a ceremonial circle. Everyone linked arms, giving tribute to the Earth and loved ones who have passed. From there we worked in teams on myriad projects: building benches for the outdoor classroom, moving and filling garden boxes with mulch and soil, building cucumber trellises, completing a cornhole set MakerSpace students are donating to the farm. Read more

WWSD? (What would Shaq do?)

Question Posed: When you think about what you’ve been doing or learning this past year, what stands out to you?

Student Response: I’m focused on the educational part, learning about solar power, learning about wind power and how we can use that for energy instead of what we’ve been doing. Read more

Youthbuild Visit to Drexel University

On Monday, April 4th I was so excited to host a number of students from the Youthbuild Charter School at Drexel for a demonstration of renewable energy technology such as solar panels and wind turbines and a tour of the Drexel Innovation Studio and machine shop.

In the first part of their visit, we went to the Drexel Engineering Technology Department’s Renewable Energy Laboratory where Professor Finley Shapiro our local expert in renewable energy taught the students how to characterize solar panels and wind turbines. Read more